
Numeric datatype is an aggregated datatype which changes it’s behaviour under different Python versions. If used with Python 2, it will operate on int, float and long Python types, while on Python 3 the int and float will be it’s targets. If there is no need to apply any filter, but just to get all the numerics from a searchable container, one can use this code:

>>> instructions.findnumeric().inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32])
[1, 5, 9.32]


An exact match.

>>> instructions.findnumeric__exact(1).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32])


Checks that a numeric is greater than specified.

>>> instructions.findnumeric__gt(5).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32])


Checks that a numeric is greater than or equal to specified.

>>> instructions.findnumeric__gte(5).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32])
[5, 9.32]


Checks that a numeric is less than specified.

>>> instructions.findnumeric__lt(7).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32])
[1, 5]


Checks that a numeric is less than or equal to specified.

>>> instructions.findnumeric__lte(9.5).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32])
[1, 5, 9.32]


Inclusively checks that a numeric is between two other numerics.

>>> instructions.findnumeric__between(5, 10).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32])
[5, 9.32]


Exclusively checks that a numeric is between two other numerics.

>>> instructions.findnumeric__ebetween(5, 10).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32])


Checks that a numeric is odd. If the numeric is a float, it is casted to an int.

>>> instructions.findnumeric__isodd().inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32])
[1, 5, 9.32]


Checks that a numeric is even. If the numeric is a float, it is casted to an int.

>>> instructions.findnumeric__iseven().inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 2, 9.32])


Checks that a numeric is divisible by specified. If the numeric is a float, it is casted to an int.

>>> instructions.findnumeric__divisibleby(2).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 4, 9.32])