bool ==== Bool datatype is used to operate on Python's boolean type. If there is no need to apply any filter, but just to get all the booleans from a searchable container, one can use this code: .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findbool().inside(['foo', True, 1, False, 5, True]) [True, False, True] exact ----- An exact match. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findbool__exact(True).inside(['foo', True, 1, False, 5, True]) [True, True] true ---- Limits results to all ``True`` values. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findbool__true().inside(['foo', True, 1, False, 5, True]) [True, True] false ----- Limits results to all ``False`` values. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findbool__false().inside(['foo', True, 1, False, 5, True]) [False]