set === Set datatype is used to operate on Python's set type. If there is no need to apply any filter, but just to get all the sets from a searchable container, one can use this code: .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset().inside(['foo', True, {'a': 'b'}, set(['bar', 5]), (9.32,)]) [{5, 'bar'}] exact ----- An exact match. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__exact(set((9.32,))).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{9.32}] len --- Checks that a set has specified length. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__len(2).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'bar', 'foo'}, {5, 'bar'}] lenlt ----- Checks that a set has length less than specified. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__lenlt(2).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{9.32}] lenlte ------ Checks that a set has length less than or equal to specified. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__lenlte(2).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'bar', 'foo'}, {5, 'bar'}, {9.32}] lengt ----- Checks that a set has length greater than specified. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__lengt(1).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'bar', 'foo'}, {5, 'bar'}] lengte ------ Checks that a set has length greater than or equal to specified. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__lengte(1).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'bar', 'foo'}, {5, 'bar'}, {9.32}] contains -------- Checks that a set contains the specified value. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__contains('bar').inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'bar', 'foo'}, {5, 'bar'}] contains_all ------------ Checks that a set contains all specified values. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__contains_all(['foo', 'baz']).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'baz')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'baz', 'foo'}] contains_any ------------ Checks that a set contains any of specified values. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__contains_any(['foo', 'bar']).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'bar', 'foo'}, {5, 'bar'}] str_contains_str ---------------- Checks that a set contains at least one string, which contains specified substring. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__str_contains_str('ba').inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'bar', 'foo'}, {5, 'bar'}] isdisjoint ---------- Checks that a set has no elements in common with specified set. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__isdisjoint(set(['foo'])).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{5, 'bar'}, {9.32}] issubset -------- Checks that every element of a set is in the specified set. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__issubset(set(['foo', 'bar'])).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'bar', 'foo'}] eissubset --------- Checks that every element of a set is in the specified set and that they are not equal. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__eissubset(set(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'bar', 'foo'}] issuperset ---------- Checks that every element of a specified set is in the set. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__issuperset(set(['bar'])).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'bar', 'foo'}, {5, 'bar'}] eissuperset ----------- Checks that every element of a specified set is in the set and that they are not equal. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findset__eissuperset(set(['bar'])).inside(['foo', True, set(('foo', 'bar')), set(('bar', 5)), set((9.32,))]) [{'bar', 'foo'}, {5, 'bar'}]