numeric ======= Numeric datatype is an aggregated datatype which changes it's behaviour under different Python versions. If used with Python 2, it will operate on ``int``, ``float`` and ``long`` Python types, while on Python 3 the ``int`` and ``float`` will be it's targets. If there is no need to apply any filter, but just to get all the numerics from a searchable container, one can use this code: .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findnumeric().inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32]) [1, 5, 9.32] exact ----- An exact match. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findnumeric__exact(1).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32]) [1] gt -- Checks that a numeric is greater than specified. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findnumeric__gt(5).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32]) [9.32] gte --- Checks that a numeric is greater than or equal to specified. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findnumeric__gte(5).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32]) [5, 9.32] lt -- Checks that a numeric is less than specified. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findnumeric__lt(7).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32]) [1, 5] lte --- Checks that a numeric is less than or equal to specified. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findnumeric__lte(9.5).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32]) [1, 5, 9.32] between ------- Inclusively checks that a numeric is between two other numerics. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findnumeric__between(5, 10).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32]) [5, 9.32] ebetween -------- Exclusively checks that a numeric is between two other numerics. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findnumeric__ebetween(5, 10).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32]) [9.32] isodd ----- Checks that a numeric is odd. If the numeric is a float, it is casted to an int. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findnumeric__isodd().inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 5, 9.32]) [1, 5, 9.32] iseven ------ Checks that a numeric is even. If the numeric is a float, it is casted to an int. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findnumeric__iseven().inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 2, 9.32]) [2] divisibleby ----------- Checks that a numeric is divisible by specified. If the numeric is a float, it is casted to an int. .. code-block:: python >>> instructions.findnumeric__divisibleby(2).inside(['foo', True, 1, 'bar', 4, 9.32]) [4]